• Question: Why is physics important ?

    Asked by dancer14 to Christopher, Dan, Mohan, Sarah on 15 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Daniel Fovargue

      Daniel Fovargue answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      It allows us to understand how everything works. From subatomic particles, to fluid flow, to star formation, and to the expansion of the universe.

      We can also use all this understanding to build tools that help us, like MRI scanners 🙂

    • Photo: Christopher Mirfin

      Christopher Mirfin answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      It tries to explain the world around us and why things happen

    • Photo: Sarah De Vos

      Sarah De Vos answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Science in general is important as it teaches us more about where we came from, where we are going, our place in the universe, how to look after our resources, and ourselves, how to understand how things work and how to make them better etc.

    • Photo: Mohan K

      Mohan K answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Physics is everything! From the very small to the very large, it helps us understand how the world is working, and as they say, knowledge is power. Physics feeds into all other sciences and it also changes the way you approach problems in everyday/professional life. It helps you be more methodical and more analytical, and gives you a good grounding in numbers and modelling.
