• Question: What is physics ?

    Asked by dancer14 to Christopher, Dan, Mohan, Sarah on 15 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Daniel Fovargue

      Daniel Fovargue answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Physics is everything in a sense. Its the most fundamental science, meaning, in order to ask questions within biology, chemistry, geology, engineering, etc you first need to understand the physics. And we do understand it (for the most part). And this allows us to study more complex things, like biology or medicine.

    • Photo: Sarah De Vos

      Sarah De Vos answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Broadly speaking physics is the science which looks at how the world works and behaves, from the atomic through to the human and all the way to the astronomical scale.

      I really like this xkcd comic which ranks the sciences:


    • Photo: Mohan K

      Mohan K answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      Physics is trying to model the way our universe works from the very small to the very large. Often we’re looking at the way different things interact, using forces and energy.
