• Question: u trying to find a cause for cancer ?

    Asked by korean billy to Sarah, Mohan, Jen, Dan, Christopher on 9 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Daniel Fovargue

      Daniel Fovargue answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      Not really. My research is about trying to be better at diagnosing cancer. We do this by measuring the “hardness” of different tissues. Often, tumours are harder than the other tissue around them. This extra information can help doctors decide what type of tumour it is that they see.

      But we can also use the hardness we measure to see how tumours affect the tissue around them. So, this isn’t the cause of cancer, we might be able to learn more about how cancer evolves and behaves once it appears.

    • Photo: Jen Dennis

      Jen Dennis answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      Not a cause, no. In nuclear medicine, we help to diagnose people with cancer either by showing for definite that a possible cancer really is that or by showing where the cancer has already spread to.

    • Photo: Sarah De Vos

      Sarah De Vos answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      That’s not my field no. We treat the cancers once they are there.

      Different cancers are caused by different things though there is a consensus that a healthy lifestyle (lots of fruit and veg, not smoking, exercise, reducing stress levels etc.) will reduce your risk of getting cancer. Cancers causes are multifold: lifestyle, genes, environment, age… A lot of research is being done to understand better what causes cancer, and how to reduce the risks.

    • Photo: Mohan K

      Mohan K answered on 10 Mar 2017:

      Basically what the others have said!
